heyy i used to play on that server sorta :]
stalk me...as well??!?!? D; i see how it is :'[
awwww, why thank you :DDD
haha no, actually havent heard from him at all. it was uh,,, idk even know the name haha, chrsphoberr or somethign along those lines xD and...
that's actually kinda cool, i want oooone D;
greeeey? OMFG .....ya prolly, seems like a good idea. but i'd rather like..just be deleted, then make a new account :D perhaps
totally got wet i my pants that night. i think edgar jizzed a litto. not muuuuch, just being white and nerdy mostly :/ you?
i know right haha, umm his name was chrstphbrrnn or somefin like that. apparently he dun know me xD haha jk
not sure, im not too hip on the whole pink thing so idk when it ends :p
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] ^.^ miss those day haha, yo's naaaaatay
neeeeeeee xD [IMG]
i know they all went away lawl
i can tell :'[
am i supposed to enjoy it? does it like come with candy and lolypops? or maybe lotsa money where i can buy a pony?!?!! omg...now im excited xD
i saw D; it wasn't just killed, it was brutally murdered :'[ *sniff*
im not leaving lol :]
yeah i shoulda prolly added a question mark haha
or else ill end up getting my account deleted xD night sir :] <3
p.s. i lol'd xD