hahaahhaha you swear xD
i gave it to him a while ago cause he said he's send me something. btu i didnt expect that D; grandma was like :O "are you sure their real?"...
yeah he's going too. babe.....i was making a hamburger right now, like not even 4 minutes agi. and grandma got the mail, and she said my name....
i heard :p maybe. i'd love to though, but im more outgoing then he is
and i know, but i want to go : / its just to see what their about. would you go with me? and its not all the way in baldwin park, its closer.
pshh grandma's "busy" cleaning herself to help, and tracy i dont wanna ask cause she'll want me to babysit in return >:[
aww. i didnt know :p ****en sucks. there's so much **** and its all dirty, of all the hours i been here, i only got one side clean, the side with...
im sweaty :[ whatcha up to
Nah, but his sister wont let us borrow the modem for the internet so we have to go wifi.
not so much. we have really shitty internet since we moved so it lags every 15 seconds :/
18/F/CA, **** yo couch cracka, my tatas are bigger than yours ;]
still play once every so often :]
yeah its still there :] only a few FH people, like drawingman and myself along with sheddo, and like another guy i think but they dont ever get on...
i still wuvvvvvv you
dont fall asleeeeep!
miss youuuu
we can vent it, that's how all the big douche raiders talk :p but it can be used like a type of skype lol. otherwise, nah, we have to be on the...
ill be the cheese :D
his favorite is ham and cheese :]