I noticed from the above that you appear more aesthetic focused than anything else, wich is fine ( I do the same thing) but in all of your...
changes to stellar or another map? I am out of town right now so i cant get on!! i will be back monday?
Always willing to download your stuff matty.. your min/max is set to 1 player tho lol this looks good, I'm ready to play! hopefully i will be the...
great looking and functioning map you got here. I was wondering if you had any budget left? from the looks of the pictures it appears you have...
RPAL is named Paul, he is on my friends list and i think you have played with him. he had a bungie allstar before they were giving them away... I...
I feel like i have an ok idea of what the layout looks like but you could post a few more pics : ( There is some nice concepts to be drawn from...
wow, this looks great! There is nice design properties on every territory of your map. I was wondering how you came up with the layout?
some great aesthetics here, really inventive. you have some overlapping witch im not a fan of but gameplay is above normal. good map and i would...
This is great! Your proportions are so superb and your attention to detail is nothing short of amazing. I really like the dog tags with the red...
Honestly i think the location is fitting considering his map looks forerunner. it looks as if there is enough cover... where did you draw your...
Mirage by 8ball
The railings cause way to much FR, but aside from that this seems cool. Are those stairs functional? they dont appear so, but i could be missing...
Ahh Mirage, where the elite fleet meet. I liked this layout and object pairing, it makes me wonder what your next step in advancement will be....
A base doesn't always have to be a structure, it can be an area. Think of countdown and the lines of symmetry but if you need building you might...
Im not going to lie im a little jealous of this beauty! i would have to agree with sugar tho, the top area seems like it needs more cover. more...
so what do you have left as far as pieces go? if you removed the rock gardens you would still have two inclines left over for each one you destroyed.
This is a great map! I agree that the rock gardens seem miss placed in this more industrial setting. They do serve there function at an effective...
I downloaded this map when i first started forging because another forger suggested it to me, glad to see it got the attention it deserved. The...
I hate to say this : ( but you may have posted too soon, it appears you have bridges and platforms left... why not utilize those as a floor? This...
on the topic of changing, what is your budget like? i agree that it seems to blocky but that doesnt mean you have to change your layout.. just the...