I wouldn't think of those as "choices" made by Bungie- A single shot weapon was necessary for bloom, and even if they made it so that bloom set in...
For matchmaking gametypes I don't see why there aren't as many rounds as would make all players start out as a zombie just once, as in- 9 player...
The exact same thing happened to me too, except I wouldn't have used the word "narcissistic" myself. I started thinking things like "that guy got...
I found a post on the 343 forum about aimacceleration (which I thought I understood) that equated aim acceleration to"aim smoothing", which I had...
Don't worry, I think we'll notice the thread title and be able to keep the H4 info and suggestions as two seperate ideas in our minds. Have you...
I feel stupid asking this, but what exactly would the undo option be helpful for? If you press A on an item in the menu and produce it, undo would...
I think it was on the level "Gravemind", and in the game story the exact location was the mausoleum of the arbiter in High Charity (not the game...
Wouldn't whether this works better than consistently pacing or not depend on whether or not you fire up toand during max reticle bloom? If you...
With an ideal matchmaking system a very high or very low k/d would be an anomaly because players would always get matched up with others of...
Even if the lobby leader and searcher could specify the core gametype and whether or not the gametype is casual or competitive, it would not allow...
Whoever decided to increase the speed at which bloom resets when one crouches, and decided that zooming in should increase the actual precision of...
Cragmire is already so small and already has so much cover, but they thought that it was necessary to put teleporters in. First of all,...
Wait, bleedthrough and/or bleedthrough removal affected grenades and rockets? This isn't the first time I've seen that typed- I'm confused.
They want more players to buy reach; they wouldn't accommodate those who didn't give them money. They took away the weekend playlists soon after...
I forgot to type that the BTB heavies gametype gives only one point for destroying a vehicle (which I find ironic) and getting a body kill shot...
What does everyone think about the heavy BTB variants? They give 2 points for almost every type of kill by a player on foot and only 1 for vehicle...
Are you talking about 5 or 6 players or 8? BTB on Tempest is too crowded. There are multiple paths to approach the base but there are too few...
Thanks. I didn't get the time to revise the map since I posted, but I will check again to make sure that the labels are set up right such that the...
Ok the map and gametype are available at the link at the bottom. Ignore the "did not finish loadouts " description for the gametype, I forgot to...
This is a 6v6 territories, core, and assault invasion mapwith Spartans set as attacking in order to balance human weapon superiority. Itwas easy...