Like I said in more detail in my previous post, the light rifle can't be as good as either the DMR or the BR, especially if it doesn't have...
Thanks for the video, it clarifies how many slots there are for what have been referred to broadly as "perks" (2). It turns out that you can have...
I don't know why you can't drop the flag, but even I think that they are sensible enough to have a better reason than reducing announcements for...
"To be fair" seems like a strange phrase to start off a statement that you express uncertainty about. I haven't spent any time looking at new...
I found from playing H3 (I didn't find weapon precise kill times) that the SMG was actually better than the AR at a slightly-longer-than-AR range,...
Ah, yes... I actually made a thread partly concerning the idea of not being scoped out under fire a while back (before this H4 news), and in it I...
The reaction time it takes to zoom out? If there is a hit indicator while using Rogue (scoped in), the fact that you are not actually out of scope...
I've thought about how amphibious vehicles could be added to halo before, and I don't see why all covenant vehicles wouldn't be upgraded to hover...
As someone who often plays with a full or near full party in BTB, I agree with Nutduster completely as to how extremely unlikely it is. The...
I know that some players will get satisfaction out of these armor mods and perks, but I don't see how. They allow players to customize abilities...
Like I said, to give novice players something easier to aim with (I also said that I wouldn't mind the AR winning melee fights. If it didn't win...
You need to hear the "live at Pompeii: version of Echoes on Youtube- it's so much better that I don't know why they even put the studio version on...
There is a difference between spawning weapons and pickup or power weapons. Power weapons can be contested, and even weapons which wouldn't be...
Well, I just had spent probably the longest time I've ever spent on a FH post going over my thoughts on every armor mod, but my computer had to...
The BPR scale is from 1 to 100 points, and it is not meant to be even close to the Trueskill system that is used in Reach and Halo 3 matchmaking....
I don't remember ever trading a kill with a hammer. It's the only thing I don't remember trading a kill with (I think I traded a kill with snipers...
With depth or without, the thing that keeps it from being fun or competitive is the fact that the winner of each hammer duel seems to be entirely...
If players could drop and sprint into the nearest hole, then they could sprint to the nearest hole if there was only one level involved. Imagine...
It you seems like you guys are having the same conversation I had a few pages ago, but I don't understand why the annoying part is the ability to...
If the EMP field effect affects vehicles after an instant of exposure like the power drain, then the fact that grenades are so much faster (and...