Yes, it was very different from meltdown. Look at the relative sizes of the two maps and the distances that the mancannons and teleporters took...
OK, I could go back and reread his posts to see if my interpretation of them was reasonable, but since we both agree on everything else I don't...
I don't see how that is an odd stance to take. People who played H2 usually thought that H3 catered to casuals, and H2 and H3 players thought that...
Where did you read that? The sample of players chosen to speak about weapons for the bulletin on Promethean weapons said otherwise (they are not...
BTW, the boltshot is a chargeable 1sk shotgun secondary loadout weapon.
How do you know that the drop-out trends in other games are for the same reason? I find that the best predictor of how many players will leave in...
No, it's not a fact as of yet. How do you know that players who want to leave decide not to just out of consideration for their team? Anyway, I...
I agree with the BTB elite slayer possibility, but how can you not also realize that the reason the Mantis was being shot for short periods of...
Am I the only one who noticed how quickly the mantis driver's shields took damage from what seemed to be BR shots throughout the video? If those...
The valhalla heavies variant didn't have a gauss, only Sandtrap and Standoff heavies did. It didn't have prowlers, choppers, or ghosts either. It...
I'm really glad that they have two good looking flat structure rooms: the grifball court for 2v2 and possibly tight 4v4 (it's hard to judge the...
Thank you.
I'm guessing that the amount that you're thrown off when you're hit in scope is easier to manage than having to scope back in (after sweeping your...
I know that the H4 forum isn’t a perfect place for this threadof sandbox ideas, but I couldn’t think of a better forum. These weapon,equipment,...
I like it. Is 10% camo the type that wouldn't be visible by anyone at long range, wouldn't be visible by players who are focused on other action,...
I posted this on the H4 discussion thread, but it was too long and non-trivial to risk letting it be missed by the few who would care about it,...
That's funny, the answers were the things that struck me as shallow. If someone had more time, I would expect more specific follow-up questions...
Well, because the power weapons have different functions and ranges, they can only be balanced in a very vague sense even once the map is...
I don't know about bullet magnetism, but I'm pretty sure that they have greater aim assist (basically a lower look sensitivity when on target)....