If you mean that the PP and chargeable boltshotgun (unless they nerfed it since the bulletin) are too powerful, I agree. I don't see the problem...
I didn't watch any of the live streams- so now the flag carrier has a waypoint for enemies on at all times? Isn't that a disincentive to use...
I don't. When did someone ever pick up the flag but drop it just because they felt like not being the flag carrier? Sure, not many want to be the...
Are you saying that because there is no way to trade off flag carrier location for extra speed in MLG, it is more useful to take a less visible...
Rarely a player will get a lucky 2 for 1 without trying, but as long as rockets aren't placed with more than a couple of shots in a really close...
I think that more can be said about the SAW's role as a power weapon than simply saying that the rocket launcher doesn't take much skill. First of...
My point was that the flag didn't have to be at home to score in most (in other words, non-"classic") Reach and H3 CTF gametypes, contrary to what...
I haven't read all of the later posts at this point, but I don't want to forget to respond to this. They have said that in previous halos, you...
After 1:40 in that video the pistol and soon after the DMR are shown used at their max ROF, and the pistol's seems to be slightly faster. The...
laser spree killing spree killtacular overkill triple kill double kill laser laser laser laser laser - 11 medals, 5 without the laser But...
If the thruster pack's point of view change is actually disorienting (and you can't readjust aim as easily after a thrust), I think that its best,...
Do you mean some struggled to make The Pit without framerate problems? If so, Frankie didn't seem to necessarily be referring to an absence of...
They're really just hurting themselves when they don't give players opportunities to play the DLC in MM because fewer people will buy the next...
The armour mods that you get at the end of each specialization either fall into category of/take up the slot of/replace another support...
Pegasi/Nutduster, I won't quote any of your long posts on DLC because what I have to post is understandable without that context: couldn't they...
Thanks for all the info. About Camo... when I posted before about how camo should be nerfed in duration because players would use it heavily on...
Your turn, Pegasi.
A couple of pages ago the revenant/chopper and the falcon/hornet niche was brought up. You mentioned how they replaced the focus rifle with the...