haha, a launchpad has like 50 i think? and 39 samples in one song is pretty good.
haha I want one soo bad.
I could see Ableton being x10 better using a launchpad. Im hoping to get a launchpad soon. Edited by merge: It is pretty incredible.
The second one was made by a french 18 year old named Madeon, real famous, seen him on Turntable a couple of times....he used a Ableton Novation...
M4SONIC - Weapon (Live Launchpad Mashup) - YouTube Madeon - Pop Culture (live mashup) - YouTube I really hope at some point I get one of these.
nvm lol, doing collab mashups btw :)
I remeber a while ago when you showed me this, and you were all frustrated and stuff about your object choice and how bad it was, I liked the...
Truefax. Period. I like basketball because I've been playing it since I could run and do atleast two things at a time, its so enjoyable because...
ermahgerd, dat 4th pic is smexy! Map looks awesome, like how you used the sand on this map, looks nice.
Map looks good, and small, but its nice to see you forging again. Needs moar color tho.
a lil bit, i saw Onyx, looks cool, but the weapon layout...
nothin much, what bout you?
i demand you to go to thou chatbox
looks sex, only problem I can CLEARLY see is the tin cups, it looks odd, but good job making them not look so circular. I really like what you...
Like this remix alot more Birdy Nam Nam - Goin' In (Skrillex Goin' Hard Mix) by Skrillex on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
you guys will probably hate me with this list lol 1) Jibbs - Chain Hang Low (Crizzly and AFK Remix) 2) Labrinth - Last Time (Knife Party Remix)...
Exia: File Share Halo Official Site
being asked to open for two people that get their music on Beatport when I have 32 followers on Soundcloud I think is nice, and that my brother...
I'm seriously thinking about just making all my Mashups and Bootlegs early inn the morning. They all turn out way better lol. So last night...
I want the Halo 4 Xbox so bad, I'll ask my parents for it for it, if not I'm definatly getting the UNSC controller.