I have a feeling we will be seeing a new map this week....
hmmmmm LSIALM is ****ing great but Ebalere is pretty cool. I'm goin with LSIALM on this one, mainly because of how much fun ive had on it.
Axilo will not be happy with you good sir :P
Bro I wish
Versus Mode Episode 8: Star Rollers (Mashstep Choped & Screwed Bootleg) by Mashstep on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free...
hmmmmm....the specilations don't seem terrible, the stalker Specilation reminds me a bit of the default armor in HR, but it looks ugly. Rogue is...
I remeber playing this last night.... Rorak was a *****. you definatley had to watch each others backs to make it, if you made it, it got really...
I heard its a Medal for NO scoping...
lol, that sucks.
I don't see the SAW as being completely overpowering, kinda going with nexy on this one ^^^ but that green smoke is pretty intresting...
They said in the bullitin it shoots faster than an Turret but it only has 72 rounds so. i figure you place some good shots on a vehicle it'll...
okay sorry for the trouble.
Yeah when I played it yesterday it had a few, but other than that it play good.
lol thanks, couldn't have done it without mike.
Really Proud Of this one. best. album. art. ever. Destroy Puppies With Lazers (Mashstep & PrisonMike Collab Mashup) by Mashstep on SoundCloud -...
not gonna judge the SAW yet but that shotgun looks ****ing beast.
well we know who's winning the smackdown :(
Yes the ones you posted here you should be most proud of. or your most popular ones.
Okay I listend to most of the music and I can safely say that youve got a good start. When I listened to your remix of Skrillex and among your...
this looks awesome! the asthetics really stand out love what you did with the glass covers btw what piece is that on the bottom part of the bridge...