Indeed it looks kewl. Cause blue is awesome.
Water/Wet - Works please (can't remeber the exact name of it)
Dude nice job! I found out the Artist Btw, Its Reakt!on, check out a Preview of my remix here, I Can See (Mashstep Remix) Work In Progress by...
not 110% sure, I'll make sure to tell you when I find it.
I'm attempting a remix of a song that could win a Contest and i could win stuff. Needs feed back so... I Can See (Mashstep Remix) Work In...
yeah there is, I saw it in one video on Haven...
0.o I did't know...
PSY - GANGNAM STYLE ( Music Video of the ****ing year.
I wants moar Terminal remake.
I ****ing called it lol!
looks sex.
There was a Pic a few pages back showing off the MK. VI...
man that Incinerator Cannon looks intresting, I wants to see moar. Grifball looks fresh and new. Definatley will be playing that, altho the Grif...
Concussion Rifle: :D Flag Dropping: meh don't care to much Jetpack: ^ Binary Rifle: hell yes! Mk. VI: :D Boltshot & Suppresor: look cool
not sure if this is a BTB map or just a 4v4 with a banshee on it lol. Map looks like it plays pretty well, and dat loading screen is smexy, along...
That map looks pretty cool, and I like for the flag assassination it goes "FLAGSASSINATION" plus he did it on an Elephant or what seemed to be one...
This. I thought I heard something about a remake in H4...
nope it wont be theres no way with AA being X