just got the specialization code and crimson map pack (For free) :)))))))))
Broadsword in Campaign....
yes, notbad at all.
[IMG] Reppin dat Ventator ya know'
SR42 I think is pretty good for having the game 3 days after it came out.
Wasn't meant to be mean, was just messin around with em. Believe me or not I was in the KSI Clan when Reach was released.
Really enjoyed this weeks spartan ops [spoiler]
lolwut? PSY (With Special Guest MC Hammer) - Gangnam Style (Live 2012 American Music Awards) - YouTube
Do mine!!! lol, all jokes aside that looks badass.
I had no plans on getting 140 hours lol, mabye the 70, but I've already made the 30 hrs and I haz a life.
how dafq did you get the Ventator armour so quick???
played a bunch of Dominion yesterday, it was hella fun on Exile. Me and the randoms on my team went for "B" and "C" so we could defend A...
[IMG] pretty generic.
it does look like it will be fun, I've enjoyed Spartan Ops so far.
i'm so jelly lol, how many assainations did you need to get? lol
I'm calling "S with more Stuff". looks great duck, can't wait to get a FULL game on it.
****ing dumbass lol.
I'll have to get a game on this.
new Favorite weapon in Halo: Sticky Detonator. love that little gun its amazing.
Double Rainbow EE on the Campaign mission with the Mammoth.