It played... not how I wanted.
rough. tomorrow then, hopefully.
I think your object use looks good in this. Don't worry about the Brace Larges.
1 and a half hours! Then I'll be calling upon you.
I played a game on it, and it was fine.
Need some of you dudes on at 8pm. (Exactly 2 hours from now) That means you Peg. Need some of you dudes on at 8pm. (Exactly 2 hours from now)...
There has been one glitch that worked out in my favor. I forgot to mention it on here. I had the 200 double xp tokens from Mountain Dew/Doritos....
It still wasn't working for me, so I shut my **** off, restarted the system and re-loaded up Halo 4. The Marketplace had a "New!" star next to it,...
Peg, get on.
Get on sir, and I'll show you the map, as it's physically done. Just doing spawns and gametypes and junk. Unfortunately, I didn't listen to myself...
Closing in on completion! I'll need some badass players to see if this actually is worth competitive play. lol
I'll clear some room in a few hours. Try later tonight.
Fixed as best as I can. The spawning system was improved and tested under 1v1 SWAT with instant respawning now. Seems more fluent and less likely...
Hey dude, I'm down to play sometime, though I've been quite busy lately. I actually literally just re-uploaded Guardian a few minutes ago with an...
Still kinda lame. Don't get to enjoy them with everyone else even though I went out of my way to secure them. Oh wells, back to forge.
I have the map pack pass... how the fudge do I download the maps? I'm having trouble finding where I download them for free. EDIT: Xbox Support...
Jesus Christ, you guys make me want to smash my face on my keyboard sometimes.
Most of that crap can only be bought online. Our stores probably don't look much different than yours or anyone elses.
I originally had one, but I got rid of it for one reason. Death time. I wanted the time it takes you to die to be accurate, particularly since...
I would love Construct. Another member and myself have already beaten Damnation to death, on both Impact AND Erosion, so I wouldn't bother with...