Vote. Work. Halo 4. Eat. Sleep.
Spoilers have been around for weeks, and none have been told in this thread. If someone was going to spoil, it would've happened already. But yes,...
You mean we could've achieved something better than the useless stuff we have? Lol
Thanks dude, really appreciate it. A few other guys asked to do cap them, but you were the clear choice by far.
Cool. I was worried there would be a clear choice amongst the competitive community, and judging from Dallas, it just isn't there. well thats...
Peg! Which rifle you feel most comfortable with?
I suppose. The first two are the most exciting because those are the ones where I'm on my game. The third was when my little nephew came into my...
I finally had some time to watch the MLG matches from Dallas, and I must say, this is leagues ahead of what Reach MLG put forth. I am excite bike.
I'm actor, so drop those panties.
No problem
Games are in my file share
No, no I have not
Will do. Who is going to do the write up? Got a few peeps that want to record the matches and I figured they would want them in there.
It is done. Now I must go back to my slumber...
Cmon, doorman. Cmon.
Wish bro, put those cookies down. Someday you may have to climb a ladder you know.
My status on facebook had nothing to do with Noxy posting this thread.
Next thing you know they're going to want to marry each other. And then they're going to be marrying dogs next. If we allow such an unnatural...
I've finally achieved all I wanted to achieve in Reach. - Get to Field Marshall - Get the stinky fart armor effect