I really doubt you'll see original xbox support in any way shape or form. Although I imagine you'll be able to port over any DL content you...
Blue side is directly above the cave, actually. O snap! Thanks for the compliments and I hope you get some more matches on the map! For now this...
I think since the original xbox didn't have a large market share, they chose not to bother with it. This time around, they have a much larger...
Microsoft's successor to the Xbox 360 will be revealed at E3 2012 and developer Crytek is making a next-generation Timesplitters 4, according to...
- Agreed on your first point - As long as every console comes with a HD I'll be happy. Although anything above 250 is just gravy for me - Agreed...
I'm definitely excited for the new Timesplitters game. I'm a bit more interested in the next xbox console though. The only thing I can think of...
O rly? How do you know this? And we could possibly see the pistol as the main weapon throughout Halo 4... seeing as this gun now has multiple...
[IMG] It's everything I've ever wanted and more....
I know what you mean. It's been hard to come up with that next great design. I'm toying around with some ideas now, but once I find that defining...
Seeing as how it might be a while before 343 is accepting community maps, I figured I'd might take a stab at an MLG style map. I have a design in...
Yeah, I'm special for two weeks! Woo! lol. I hope voting goes my way in MM, but people seem to be reluctant to vote for new maps unfortunately. I...
As a whole, I don't see the Wii U being as successful as the original Wii. Why you ask? I'll list them: 1. The original Wii was a hit for an...
Thanks Squids! We need to get a petition to get Crown of Flies back in MM now! Asymmetrical Maps FTW!
It's really great to see such unique and clever designs coming from the MLG community. I know a lot of you well know MLG Forgers have been pushing...
Great! The map name itself is tagged, there are two versions of the map out there with different weapon sets, but the layout remains unchanged. So...
I've just had my map Precipice placed in Matchmaking! However, I am unable to get a proper overhead view so players can get a feel for the layout....
Good to know! I wasn't sure if you'd have enough kill barriers to block all of them. And if you did have physical blocks in place, as long as you...
For your narrows inspired map, you'll probably have to cover the tops of the bridge cover pillars. Even if you put a soft kill barrier up there,...
o i c o.O
For a moment, I thought there was more of a purpose to your post then just mocking him, lol.