If I gave you a link, could you try and forward it? Unless the map is being removed next month, in which case forget about it, lol. But either...
Source Confirmed by 343 themselves.
I just found a video of some exploits on Precipice, is it too late to give an updated link to fix these?
o hey, Q for u!
-The $40 price tag was confirmed by 343 themselves. -The gameplay for CE is remaining completely unchanged, they're just running a separate...
What he said ^
There was an article a while back that discovered the Kinect had a more difficult time recognizing darker skinned individuals when in darker...
You know, it's funny... I don't use the edit coordinates at all. It always causes Z fighting so I don't even bother. I just eyeball it and make...
My guess is that installing the game(s) will allow you to access both map packs simultaneously. It's a shame 343 isn't including their latest...
Yeah, I actually downloaded the map before you even messaged me. I haven't had a chance to run through it yet though!
O snap! Well they didn't deny they were working on the next time splitters for the next gen hardware, they just haven't been given any...
If your xbox is affected by the update, then you call up microsoft, they confirm your console can't play the games, and they give you a new slim...
I may participate, it depends on how quickly I can produce my next map. I can always help judge though if you need me to as well.
Yes!!! This is a great idea! More people should have this mind set when building maps. It teaches a forger to be more efficient with their object...
I've made that jump so many times I think it'd be impossible for me to miss it at this point, but ya never know, lol. The map can definitely...
Good to hear! Just uploaded a game I managed to get on Precipice today! Check it out! YouTube - Halo Reach Precipice Matchmaking‏
Yeah, blu-ray is picking up speed, but its sales haven't passed DVDs yet. In two years that might change though... either way I think its a good...
chaaatbox, we got ourselves a troublesome folk, lol
Chatbox meow
There doesn't really seem to be enough floor space for the hog, but you could probably keep the ghost. Hopefully those lines of sight won't be too...