Halo 3 was the first game I ever played on a 360, and for a whole year, I would go over to my friend's house on the weekend and we would play Halo...
They are treating me with love and respect, just as all good elephants should!
Ok, my first map is up:D The link is in my sig if you want to check it out, maybe give some feedback. Sorry this is a bit delayed, I was having...
How did you make the timed ghost run? (I know about the gravity volumes, but how did you put a time limit on it?)
Also, did you know that you can turn your hardlight shield so that it's facing straight up? IF you had a coordinated enough team, then you could...
This is a great concept, I've always thought of doing something like this, but couldn't be bothered to figure out how, I'll give it a DL as soon...
Umm... I can't see your pics...
I just played a game on this with my friend, and another with my bro. It brings back so many fond memories:D Anyway, I found it slowed down the...
HELP!!! I have downloaded horizon and extracted the files, but then when I try and do the command prompt thingy, it just opens the screenshot...
This looks really good, the forging is very clean. One thing catches my eye though, that center platform could probably do with a bit of cover...
Yes, there is, but its hard to see in these pictures. I f you really want to see the map than you should give it a DL. Thanks for that, fixed...
Forged by: CrimsonEclipse5 Gametypes: All gametypes supported except Grifball(obviously) Recommended: Infinity Slayer, CTF, Dominion,...
Just throwing in my two cents, I played Halo 3 for about a year before I got Reach, and in that time I really didn't try sniping that much, then...
Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a few months now, and since Halo 4 just came out I've decided to actually start posting maps:D Some of you...
I've had this too, except i had it on the first "Galileo" mission, at first i thought it was a new kind of enemy, because I saw the needlers at...
Sticking with this until I get GUNGNIR helmet [IMG]
This is an awesome idea, the forging looks really neat too. My only suggestion would be to put in soft kill barriers, and maybe add some cool...
Sounds like an awesome idea; don't think I'll attempt it, but good luck to those who do!
Iridescence Futile Desolate Unstable Mural Just a few off the top of my head. Feel free to use them:)
I don't think k/d is a truly accurate indicator of someone's skill level, one of my friends' k/d could be 10; but only because everyone he plays...