Aesthetically this is pretty freakin cool, good job on that, but I was thinking that maybe you could make the middle dish inaccessible and get rid...
I really like this, the layout seems solid and as stated before your piece usage is quite unique. Good job! My opinion on teleporters: they can be...
I haven't played this, but those corridors look a little open, may I suggest adding some cover and perhaps some on the top area as well. Again I...
Played this in a lobby with you a couple days ago, it was really fun and the map is really clean. I love the use of the jersey barriers as...
Hi there. Yeah, I don't usually do remakes because someone has usually done it before me and probably did it better too. But I certainly do enjoy...
Congrats on the whole forge playlist thing with Scythe. Never actually played on it b4. Guess I'll have to now:D
I just don't get why they swap out the playlists. Snipers should be permanent, Throwback I have no clue, but it was certainly quite fun. What's...
yeah, I've mostly been using them as edging for my maps since I run out of colly walls because I use them for floors. The trick is just to not use...
The flash of light does do damage, but it's not enough to kill the carrier. You might be able to tinker with that though...
I see your point, but in this case I would say it is at least fair, if not balanced.
Either killjoy, KFTG or busted, it's hilarious when someone goes to all the trouble of infiltrating your base and boarding your team's mantis, and...
I would use such a website, if you get it up and running. I'm not actually the leader of the clan I'm in but I'm pretty sure we would use it:D
/\This, the loadout weapons are fine right now, the scattershot and shotty could use some slight buffs, because as stated earlier the boltshot is...
I would like to point out that while some of the new features in Halo 4 are from CoD, these are also common elements in pretty much every modern...
I played this and didn't get any noticeable FRL, however one thing I found was that it was difficult to see the teleporters. Maybe add some green...
/\This, if they make a mapping tool more like FC3's but with sci-fi stuff they that would be awesome. However, if it does turn out to be an MMOFPS...
Why not just change the ordnance options so that it is the absolute minimum amount of points to get it, and has no percentage increase? That way...
Tritton Trigger(regular version, the Halo LE one looks weird to me) $30 K-Mart Gift Card* $35 in iTunes gift cards* $100 cash(basically translates...
I'd be able to join you, because I have school holidays right now, but after they're over I'm starting Yr 10 so yeah... But anyways, I'm EST+10...