Lol, I love how this guy just decides to get a nuke. Although it was pretty clutch despite an extremely annoying commentary throughout the entire...
One of the rules is to not nominate map packs, just saying. My nominations are: Archipelago by MickRaider Bounce House by stoyben and tHc WaFFleZ
I'm going to give feedback on your map momentarily, just need to go to a church thing for an hour.
Bomb Squad: Allows you to detect and diffuse enemy C4s and Claymores and take them as your own. Unscathed: Less affected by enemy stun and flash...
Ok thanks, see you there.
Hey I thought we were testing Halo: Ghost tonight at 8 but you just posted it. Is it another version that we are testing?
Alec944 The light from the explosion is actually beaming onto his armor and makes the whole shot absolutely fantastic and realistic.
Nice to meet ya. You sound like a pretty cool dude, just don't mess around too much. :) You should sign up for the TGIF held tonight for Haiti...
I think you should expand on the sewer idea as it is definitely the most eye-catching and unique thing I see here. The village is pretty simple...
He was actually born on the 15th but I am definitely thankful for this day! I've actually done nothing productive all day, just playing videogames...
I've played this map from its beginning stages to where it is now as an absolutely incredible map. Everything about it helped create extremely...
The Lighthouse of Alexandria (Pharos) PHAROS I put my own twist to an ancient wonder that has many different interpretations of its design today...
'Pants on the Ground': a scolding for young'uns on 'American Idol' - Yahoo! News Do you guys realize the song is already a ring tone and there...
Lol alright, my role as a messanger is actually very effective.
Yea sure, are you planning another test any time soon?
Wow looks a lot different than the last time I saw it-in a good way... I definitely want to check this out soon but from what I can see from the...
I actually really like the concept. It's pretty simple but looks cool and very smooth and looks to create some nice gameplay with several...
Lol, I'm glad you like it. It was actually found by another member here at FH. I don't remember who it was, but I'm happy they told me about it :)
Unfortunately I cannot test your map tonight due to personal issues but would love to see it some time in the future for some feedback to make the...
I saw this map sitting in your file share recently and looked at it trying to remember if I had ever seen it before. But I decided to just DL to...