Ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnssssssssssss 3 people have said the lockness monster/nessi
Nessi, the smoke-ness monster
ekins was a good one too. you could do arbok or seviper
best name so far is medusa
he should name it leviathan or mammoth
dun get
i dont know people call the place where air comes in the carb, a.k.a the carborator. i dont even know if that makes sense though yerp.
is the carb on the head of it? thatd be so cool
glasgow's a noob
i was about to post these exact words
windwaker, although since thats the direct sequel that may be true also. i havent played phantom hourglass
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mfw not banned
personal army general
windwaker better ****ing win adventure genre
johto theme song>all others Edited by merge: on facebook under People you may know i just got suggested agamer and then Reyn Bow Edited by...
taking away the moments that make up a dull day fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way