lookin' much better now. You're really good. She'll probably gush at the site of it.
her two teeth there look a little bit too vampire-like for me. chisel em down a bit.
That must take an unbelievable amount of programming. They make it sound like the game revolves around mostly the wilderness... and free running...
I almost certainly see there being much different things landscape-wise. We'll be climbing trees and rocks much more often than buildings, which...
they're easter eggs I'm not telling.
Take a look around, you might find some other easter eggs
I realized that I was being a douche earlier, so I'm just lettin' you know that I'll go easier in the blogs.
Yea! See! ....wait a minute.. - Imgur we're you influenced by this at all? or is it just a really odd coincidence..
you follow naruto?
nothin much, just livin' n stuff
ohh there's one in Grand Rapids in April. I'll see if I can make it. thanks.
ooh nice. My brother in law likes them too, so I'll probably see them if they come around here.
that was quite impressive.
done.. If that's the video you were talking about. How come?
Thanks for the support everyone. If you didn't like it I'm not offended. Stevo's comment sums things up very well imo. I was told to post this...
oh damn, I was so confused at first until I saw the front page. \o grats
tell your avvy to stop winking at me
lul, I kind of just sit here