Wow, it looks like a lot of things will be possible with this game type.
Damn, this is clever. How have you managed to score more points for capturing the jewels than destroying the blocks?
No games retain their day one population. Not even Call of Duty.
Do you realise that this is the company's FIRST game? Halo 4 is pretty ****ing good for a first try. They have learned so so SO much and are...
A submission does not HAVE to be posted here to be valid, the important part is tagging your map with 'DFO1'. I still advise you to post here...
There are plenty more submissions than that.
How is it going? Not long now!
Looks very creepy indeed. I would label this as a Free Roam map myself, but whatever :P You should see how it plays with Hivemind! ;)
Although I haven't played it, Novus gets my vote. Seeing the work Zandril put into that map including ripping it apart multiple times and really...
[IMG] Black House Created by Forgebook Recommended Gametype: The Plague (Flood) Recommended Players: 10-14 [IMG] I love Flood, I love it a...
But you get the special day one edition!
Haha, the guy who started the contest over at is called Donut.
I made sure this didn't happen. Both say "DFO1". I believe it stands for Donut Forge Off.
Oooh, I'm interested to see what you are forging!
Ooooh, I know what it is now! ;)
I have a testing lobby tonight. Will it be ready for testing by then?
I'm forging an Oil Refinery. Shame I can't submit it. :(
We don't in any way have to host a Flood contest just because it is Halloween. I'm sure another Halloween themed contest would be cool.
Yeah, 3v3 was ridiculous, haha. Despite the cramped nature of the game, I had some really fun fights between the upper and lower levels of the...
I loved the 2v2 we played on this last night. The map is really well balanced even though there is good hight variation. Placement of the Damage...