Hey my map! What a lovely surprise seeing it used as an example :)
Well done Behemoth! It was a great experience seeing this map evolve over a couple of sessions. I know it was a cracker from the few games I...
Working on a unique looking 1v1. [IMG] Ignore the ugly z-fighting
Hey Chunk, have you managed to get hold of my contest submission with the info I've given?
Surplus GT: El Trocity Leaderboard info: Campaign Score Halo 4 Dawn Easy
Oh! Wow that search bar is an elusive little bugger. So am I right in saying there are 80 submissions?
Is there a way to only view maps with the "smackdown" tag?
The Chub looks too different
The map pack? No, it can be bought as part of the champions bundle for 800 Microsoft points or cheaper on its own.
Ever the optimist, Schnitzel. :rolleyes:
It is an awkward situation, talented forgers have good contacts.
I'm pretty bummed that I cannot enter, but I'm still going to work on something.
Since you are accessing a Halo-orientated website, I can say with almost complete confidence that you know about the recently released Champions...
That hit the nail right on the head.
Broken? Damn, that's irritating. Well, it can take a few minutes in some playlist in Halo 4!
What is the population of Halo Reach these days?
Holy poo, this looks sick. I'll be around to help out if you ever need it. I miss talking to you, Behemoth. We need to rekindle our relationship...
Dax decided to step down to focus on other commitments.
We should totally set up a Forge Hub server. I agree, Minecraft does feel empty when playing alone. I barely do.
Don't worry man, I have all the maps saved. The only 100% necessary thing to do was to tag your map with DFO1.