What an odd criticism, how dare a forger try advertise a map and explain the thought process into it. Sure Fated could do it in a different way,...
I was quoting from posts ive seen on r/halo in regards to 343 and maps since launch.
BTB.net science Unscoped Range (rounded): Magnum - 36m BR - 36m Carbine - 36m LR - 30m DMR - 36m Scoped Range: Magnum - 58m BR - 75m Carbine -...
343 map developers have studied map design for years They have college degrees. They changed it for the casual audience. Go make your own game...
If you've accepted it then stop bringing it up (then complain about Asia being big in the next paragraph) Yes Asia is massive but nobody plays...
The numbers not being consistent is a design by choice, you can't justify giving Asia the same amount of spots/funding as north America or europe
The 1.7 million prize pool is for the actual tournament. Tournaments in minor regions dont warrant big prize pools. Europe has a bigger prize...
Distribution is just like your normal major, winner gets 50% Why does the number for each region seem off? Seems fine to me.
I think you are over valuing what a multi million AAA dev thinks of a forger who doesnt have a huge foot print in the scene.
Id take a guess and say that they dont know who you are
Halo 5 BTB came out today, along with all the forge maps created by some of our community members when they made the trip to Seattle a few months...
As do I in most, as a keen CS viewer (less so a player these days) this is a really shitty attempt at it in a game which doesnt compliment it all....
Or its just poorly designed. Objective is there to help with eliminations - see CSGO where most of the rounds end in elimination
If this was a weight gain thread id agree
And they are
More map choices rather than the gametype.
Not one bit?