Teamwork comes naturally. 4 strong individuals allows for a greater depth of team work. Restricting team work by saying "your only way to get...
You are still not getteing the point. You are forcing one particular style of team work, i.e., passing. Having regular point scoring allows for...
Ok, but after we will play some Basketball outside, we'l change the rules so that more passes equals more points. What the gametype then promotes...
Id blame the team mate for spawning you there
Still wondering why Haunted's educational background was brought up.
You've missed the point completly. If you have to artificially force teamwork (in this case, via assist points for a ball throw) then you are...
Forcing teamwork is never good
Whereas Tesla is the poster boy for polish
Judging from the reaction, I don't think any if these maps will get used at IG. From spawn issues, to asym maps forcing viewers to leave the...
Schnitzel, Having Eden in is big step forward for the comp community to embrace asym forge maps (I saw a comment on BE saying asym maps aren't...