Like half your shots, apparently.
Speaking of hardlight reflection, I killed a tank a few days ago on Exile by reflecting its own shell back at it. Many lols were had. Hardlight...
Could be that both points have equal weighting and spawn A is simply first in the internal list of possible spawns, by virtue of being added to...
You're both welcome.
Hello, ma'am. Does Mingo remember his old pal Mock?
Perhaps I can shed some light on the situation with a diagram. [IMG] This is a graph of your Trueskill rating over time. It started at zero at...
@Nut: I find the Carbine/AR combo very useful on smaller maps, namely Adrift, Haven and Abandon. The AR is an absolute monster up-close, and the...
1 Flag by Shoebert and Panic Station by that crazy Duck dude.
"How to get Vehicle Pads in all Gametypes" - YouTube "How to Get Automated Turrets" - YouTube
I mean, as long as you don't use all hundred of the space tubes you should be fine.
Just fyi, light-derping doesn't have anything to do with budget. I've seen a map with light-derping that has only $700 budget spent. It's just the...
The AR destroys in this game, so no, it isn't nooby. It's smart.
I'd argue that a spread of +5 to -1 (average of about +3) is pretty solid for an evenly-matched competitive game. It's also possible that your...
I don't think it's publicly known how Trueskill works exactly, but most likely it's some combination of your kills, deaths, assists, and is...
I'm sure that along with the actual map files there's a hidden license of some kind or another that was included with the purchased maps but not...
Whoever said Harvest was a BTB map: Have you even played it? That map is straight-up 4v4, but with Hogs and Jumpz so it's actually fun.
Chrs, why are you the community manager on a Halo website when you don't even like or play Halo any more?
Erm, I have the season pass, and I'm currently 34% done with the download. Apparently it's working now?
I like how the guy with the PP didn't even switch when he saw you were no-shield.
**** you Shoe, you and your ****ing host. I'm a big fan of the atmosphere of the map. The giant walls and the overhang are really epic and imposing.