I used to be so great at that game but then I began to suck at it after I stopped playing for a while. I'm not sure if I'll buy the second. If...
Mine says $42,000 but no way would anyone pay that much. It's nice to dream though =].
Looks beautiful. You have yet to disappoint.
You can only do it on local play. But seriously, they should let you do it on xbl. They did it to prevent button glitches, but people are finding...
I like it, but I liked number 3 better. It seems not right when he is running. Like he should be moving faster or something. But none the less...
I found out about them the first time they were mentioned on bungie. I was like "bout time a good forge community came around" so I thought I...
ForgeHub has become quite large. Congrats. Deffinately deserves to be the leading forge community.
Welcome to the coolest forging community to date. I hope you enjoy it here and make lots of friends. Everyone here is ver friendly, so that should...
Welcomez to teh forgehubz. Every0n3 here is ub3r 1337 yo. Enjoy your stay and if you have any questions about the site, let me know and I'll try...
Everyone is talking about how great the demo is, but I didn't like it that much. To me it seems like a not as fun version of battlefield. It is a...
Couldn't think of anything. Everything I tried was used. So I made ukilledkenny7, Which I now think is a terrible gamertag, but o well.
I think a ForgeHub youtube account should be created.
[img] Parasite Halo 2 is finally here. I'd like to apologize for the extra long wait. The first one was mostly talking and this one is mostly...
Haha this is just what I was needing for a movie I'm about to begin working on.
Well Recently Halo Union released that we are allowing you to put your videos on our front page. all you have to do is follow this video right...
Funniest movie I have ever seen. I used to talk to digitalph33r a lot before he got really really famous, and unlike most halo celebrities, he's...
I have this game. The best I can play it on is medium though. It's very fun though.
Thanks, but that is what I edit with already. But I do plan on getting adobe after effects. Thanks anyways. :)
The only question now is what game will you be getting?
yeah the voices were too quiet. And the words went by too fast. My by far biggest and bestest movie will be out very soon. Then I will create...