God is not within everything. He knows everything. You may be taking something out of context here. God is our savior. Not our condemner. God...
Heh, Well ForgeHub is much bigger and much more popular. Plus overall it is probably more friendly. The only reason I'm not close with everyone is...
I'm the leader of I'm pretty active on and with the machinima community in general. But that is about it. I stop...
lol i luv ur name dude
Well if it is anything like vegas, try highlighting what you want saved and then look for a render option.
Ezekiel is a machinima created by Etzun Films and Eden Pictures, while in association with my group, Halo Union. The first part is quite...
I want it so badly but I have so much crap I have to buy, that I don't know if I will be able to. But it looks really sick.
Hehe I'm so going to use this for a machinima.
lol i didnt even realize i wrote that.
I can be teh uber 1337 voice actorz for uze! Just message me on aim. I am quite experienced in that area. And I love nuts!
Create an aim account and im your friend offering them a big deal with Once there hopes are up tell them you are joking and that...
Well this is my first of 2 entries I will be submitting to the MLG Pro contest. It is a spoof of the Army Commercials. It turned out ok saying the...
Re: Favorite Video Game Of All Time. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Welcome to FH. Become active. You won't regret it.
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Last year they had to cancel a meeting about Global Warming because there was so much snow. I don't believe in...
I think it's harder to use. In Halo 1 I was insane with it but then in Halo 2 & 3 I can never get a kill with it.
I always wanted a real time strategy game and I found many fun ones; but I wanted one that would be a bit more popular for online play. Everyone...
wow that's racist. jk No way can that work.
Re: new Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* The map looks okay. Not really my preference on a map style. I would rather seen a halo 3 map that is completely...