Sorry, but our shows are created by professional teams, meaning they are higher quality and have a regular schedule. This means we require payment...
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know episode 2 is complete. I took all of the advice you guys gave me into consideration when making this...
lol I don't think so. This episode was made with a PC, so no iMovie. Future episodes will be much better. We're still developing the characters...
Lets face it. G4 sucks. They consider themselves a channel for gamers when they have one gaming show, which usually just plays re-runs from 3-4...
Hey I am currently in creation of a new biweekly show called The Dashboard. The Dashboard is a biweekly show centered around the Xbox 360...
The following is a segment for the upcoming gaming show; The Dashboard; which can only be found at GoodGameTV - Television for gamers this fall....
[IMG] Hello I am ukilledkenny7, and I am here to tell you about the First Annual Machinicast Machinima Award Show. Machinicast is a new...
National Treasure was a good movie. And I thought Knowing looked stupid, but I may be mistaken. I shall check it out. I tend to be drawn...
I'm not embarrassed at all. I've grown quite proud of my family. Like you said, I am more embarrassed of myself.
i think the better question is why don't you have a girl in your avatar cd?
thank you =]
Can we submit something we created in the past?
Wow. I sadly only really loved Cloverfield and The Dark Knight. The rest were just mostly ok.
This map looks so cool. Great job on the elevators.
That looks really sick and especially with the miles per gallon. But does it drive well? I guess we will have to wait and see.
This entire thread was created to compare and contrast far cry's upcoming map editor with halo's forge. So if that is not aloud; you might as go...
thank you. we can get through this together. I know we can!
I know most of the people here love to use their creativity to create awesome maps. Well Far Cry 2 is going to have a full fledged map editor...
To pull off that effect you will need a program like Sony Vegas, Adobe Premier, or Adobe After Effects. But like zgreenz said; there is no...