wow, i wonder how a rocket did that? maybe you fired a nuke shaped like a rocket °_°
lol, homemade warthog is for n00bs
did you build this map mainly for flag our slayer? and if you say you had booth in mind, then ill facepalm you so hard, you'll have a concussion :P
the one thing i absolutely hated about zhost hill was how the humans had plasma pistols, and could pick up swords of the zhosts. So yay you fixed...
r3makez on sAnb0x?,Pl0x?,lol any way thanks for the well thought out reply. Any one who hasn't played juggernaut on this needs to, right now. Its...
your link is broke! Edit: you fixed it o.k. I played 1v1 on this, and i have to say. I haven't gotten that many fall deaths since i played...
so i played a game of this yesterday and i admit, the bases are a lot more fair than i thought they would be, i liked the mancannon to turret...
you know hwat i really like about this map? well everything, but my favorite is how you used pretty much everything for cover and structures,...
May I suggest putting some grenades in a corner? So when you get out you kill yourself. Then you can set it so you get points foe suicide
so if i get out, what do i do?
is anyone else getting that tunnel rats vibe? Anywho, this map is amazing. I love the short range and long range combat, and good job...
That has to be one of the most retarded thing I've ever heard, you can't interlock on guardian, and you want this guy to make an exact copy of...
i must say this is pretty good, you'll get a lot of these kinds of comments, but it feels like Buddha cranes the rack on tours. You both used...
I took a look around in forge, and I have to say. This is some of the greatest forging ever. I'm not gonna go over that much, because that's all...
This map is a 0/100000000 because you tripple posted! I want a 3 paragraph essay delivered to me about how evil tripple posting is!!!!!! And...
If you havent been the grindnaut, then youve nevervtruly lived. This is the 2nd infection featured map, btw
ok I'm just gonna cut to the chase, I played like 4 games of this and I fail to see how this is like hide and seek. Don't get me wrong, it was...
ok it's like 502 (when i checked), time to fess up!
Hey whats up with the new avatar?
so the people in the vehicles are not aloud to shoot, correct? Good call on the Afk room Btw that was really smart of you. the map looks...