When i first saw the title, i thought a forgenub had resurrected the map cellars form it's grave. Looks like i was right. Just kidding. May i...
checkpoints you say? hmmmmmmmmmmm, give me a second OMG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOUR MY BESTEST FRIEND AND I WANT TO HUG YOU BUT THEN YOU'D FILE A...
only one thing i can use to describe this map, OMG EPIC WINSAUCE BBQ SANDWICH!!!! This is the most, screw you generic zombie game! map since...
Someone finaly fixed the zombie stills custom powerup. Thank god! Add the little houses to the side, u can use that wall that has a side missing...
Maybe change the fuel rod spawn to carbine, then move carbine to the middle of the platform FR was, and get rid of the camp box. Why u may ask?...
send a moderator a private message, they'll move it for you
The most hilarious thing happened to my friend on this map. He though this was a remake of lockout exactly, so he made this big deal about, how he...
you guys realize you can't spawn warthogs on the pitt? The only way to get it is this really complicated glitch that gets you the troop hog that...
I'm actualy more interested in the cover then the tanks. Now you can hide and get stalemates between the shield doors, distraction tactics FTW....
Nightfall sequal? hot damn! it must be my birthday....and christmas. Has anyone made a unlimited budget variant yet?
raise the custom power up. otherwise the muffin man can get it
only one thing i hate about this map, and i have never been more frustrated about this then anything else. You know that moment were you first get...
your first 2 maps had a horrible habbit of all the power weapons being together, almost as bad as rats nest. Im glad that this one is a little...
i always ask this question with maps that have a trillion gametypes, do you like symetric our asymetric, and whats your favorite gametype?
this is one of my favorite 1v1 maps, although for some reason i always will spawn on the outside ledges, still great job, and congrats on premium
a little messy, but this is a really good idea. I well play this and give a better review later
so do i try to get to the other end, our just try not to to die? I would suggest the first one. It gives the player a goal, instead of just not...
i don't understand. Do they fall through one hole, our multiple ones? and give the humans a brute shot, if you haven't
Good choice of the carbine, people have been lucking for the perfect paintball gun for a long time, but i think you nailed it. I really like how...
I'm suprised no ones done this sooner. But could you please post some gametype. Just put your favorite one up. I can't think of any one that would...