Ohaithar! Welcome to forgehub and all that. Unforteunalty, i didn't come here to make small talk. If you haven't read the rules yet i suggest you...
So are you saying you hid more weapons besides the usual sniper and shotgun?
Pel you posted complexity without telling me, poo on you good sir, poo on you!
Hey buddy give me some credit to :P. The ghost and the mongoose get blown up by 1 grenade, so you can't hit them out like that. Also there are...
This is actually pretty good, im really impressed how you went into the bowels of the game settings to make some pretty interesting changes,...
Im really disappointed by the lift, i have to say that, you couldn't think of anything more creative then a gravlift? also where the rockets are...
I consider this more of a gametype then a map, I was a big fan of Battle front back in the day. But i never thought of remaking it. If you made a...
Did you hide anymore weapons? Our just make everything look neater? Im glad you made the crouch room less easy to survive BTW, I think you...
grats on reconz!
I salute you, for using a vehicle thats pretty much all for laughs. It takes a lot of guts to put a "fun" vehicle our weapon in your map. The only...
I played a 1v1 game, just to get the fell of the map, I have a couple of suggestions. 1# put spawn points at different levels, not just the very...
OH NO! to much originality!!! BAM! (head explodes.) Seriously though, this has to be one of the most original conquest maps ever (obviously) I...
This guy has been around for more then a year, i don't think he needs an introduction. I think im missing something though, Wheres the...
Puzzle maps are usually better if you don't need to have a more then basic understanding of halo to finish, So ghost jumps are not usually...
YES YES YES YES! No teleporters our weapon holder getting in the way of my laser! Thank you! I think it would be cool to make a smiley face in the...
WTFBBQ? A foundry map? I remember you asking about this on the op of last day, This looks great. How did you get there to be a clean 50% in each...
ok my vote put you in the lead °_°
OK i'll vote. Looks like that account AZN made me make actually has a use now Best of luck
I have some suggestions, I did a pretty detailed forge through, I'm pretty sure you have some items left over, i would use them to raise the...
The on hit kills a little to much, What i would do would be to give them 3 times over shield, then mess around with the damage resistence of the...