aww you made me think that you finished doomstownburg two. Oh should i be talking about that. I have to say i don't like how the weapons are less...
I can see that your wit is as sharp as ever. Much funnier then the city. Why didn't you make it so the armory fills with killballs at 45? seems a...
wow, good name (i didn't mean that sarcastically.) What you should do is since you have the teams red and blue, like the blue unicorn and the...
naughty, naughty pel. Wait your turn like a good little boy, and didn't we decide to name it acidic?
i can haz preview tommorow
comment posted, what you working on next?
I have a problem, I'm a CTF junkie. Screw king of the hill, ctf is the only thing i'll play. I'm pretty sure you made this map with me...
sorry i was on vacation. I'll look at it now
I really enjoyed this map, These puzzles were really original, especially the kill ball pallet one. My only problems were that, in the hub room,...
Your back! what a beautiful day for all hubbers to see your triumphet return! As your home coming map you do one where you get high. I wonder if...
I really like this map, I'm just going to come out and say it right now. This is a really well polished map, I'm not even going to go over how you...
In your opinion, does this one work better then the one on standoff? I only want one jenga map, so i want the better product
Thanks for not letting us people over here at forgehub out, I haven't played that much on the new version, so this may only apply to the old one....
yeah but with all the shields and stuff, you can run down the street with your guns ablazing, you feel like such a badass :P
I used to be penguin asassin but i changed my name. :0) can map haz lazer?
I had fun testing this with you, especially the left for dead variant. I still think you should do a custom powerup health pack in the middle, I...
This isn't anything new, except for being able to do something when you die. But that's all you need to stand out from the 100's of other maps...
the links broken, to the map.
some of your pics aren't working, mainly in the action shot section. What have you changed from this and the v1? i can't really tell the difference
Wow, that had to be the most 133T back story ever, so the forerunners divided up spartans because they had a different favorite color clothes,...