sometimes when i check out other peoples maps, i find something that is so simple, yet so good it makes me a little bit mad at myself! those...
had a look around forge and i like the layout, it feels open and yet i could probably traverse the area whilst feeling protected from the enemy....
i'll disagree here. whenever a new game comes out the majority of gamers would love to have the old maps as well. people like variety. (and the...
i really like what you done with this layout. however i agree that it 'looks' as though certain areas wouldnt get much action. being a ctf map,...
i know i am not the only one, but i am as yet to find a solution. i have tried clearing the cache. tried deleting the content clearing the...
i have bought the season pass and downloaded the crimson map pack. and as yet havent played a single game! i have the season pass and the map...
i think you have mistaken me a little. i have not said that they should change slayer or ctf. i enjoy both gametypes and long may they...
yes. i have lived through the decline of CoD from vanilla, UO perfection to modern warfare popularity and the money making machine. i have nothing...
anywhere. i would suggest that you become as familiar as you can with the forge maps and the pieces you are able to use. that way when you have...
indeed. i am not suggesting their removal. only thinking out loud that if the map were longer, that they would become more powerful and...
very good job. from memory, perfect. i particularly like the monitors as the glass bridge. i never considered rotating those objects for...
i like the concept. and having run around it, i like the forging. i havent play tested the map, only run around for a few minutes, but i was...
any chance you have a version in your file share?
had a little run around earlier really liked your centrepiece stairwell. i liked your attempt at having a v shaped map. (may have to steal...
[img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] as you can see from the overhead thumbnail, the map is a basic circle. (i have removed a few pieces so...
these images are the top level of my 3 tiered map. all of the top tier. primarily a map for 4v4 slayer. its not to big (i think!) and not...
thanks for the help. i deleted the pieces and put them back and the same thing. on further inspection, and trying other pieces in its place. i...
hi. i have been messing around in forge and gotten a layout for my map. i started adding a bit of detailing and changing the colours of the...
[IMG] lacuna A small opening; a small pit or depression; a small blank space; a gap or vacancy; a hiatus. An absent part, especially in a book...
yes, i was finding i had to line everything up manually. which was slightly annoying.