i really dont wanna ***** the thread again, so i apologise, but i want to pick his brain for a bit! ctf is very much the intended gameplay, so...
good or bad surprise? the rocket spawn side is much bigger than i wanted, but i did it on your suggestion that i make more room for vehicles!...
pristine ravine a good game of ctf. i enjoyed the layout, it felt balanced and there is a fair amount of height variation. i liked the usage of...
was good games tonight. i'd have stayed for the 2v2 if youd have needed me, but i'm happy to sit out :)
im worried about what definition of the word you are using here......
yes, sir. i missed the friday sign up so this is good for me :)
i did place the sniper towers very intentionally. i dont think they are too powerful a position, they give a decent but not all conquering...
i will do my proper recap when i have finished work and had a second look at your maps in forge. but i just want to address a couple of things:...
you dont. i assume it stops needless bumps of threads as well as other things
i can agree with all this. it might mean a few weeks i miss out, but its ok :) one thing i think you should add is noone starts a game without...
good games tonight guys. but its past my bedtime, will get my recaps done for tomorrow night as i will be at work soon :(
i havent the pleasure of killing GG8 yet. i'm looking forward to tonight :)
i'm not entirely sure how coforging works! im sure you'll get some better offers than mine :) if you wanted to upload a working version to your...
i'll raise your scrubs reference....its not gay: scrubs - guy love - YouTube
yes please. i have a larger 5v5 (maybe 6v6) map if that is something that needs considering :) it might be fine for 4v4 but i havent played it yet!
this is the latest map i am working on, i am hoping to have it ready for the next test i can sign up for. it is based off a map i have already...
are all these maps in your fileshares? though i couldnt play, i'd still like to check 'em out :)
lol, hows about you give me a week and you join us next week?
i've been put on early shifts all this week now, so will relinquish my reserve spot. i'd like to play but i havent quite gotten my map ready and...
feel free to give me a shout if people no show :)