yea awash lighting is ****ed. it isn't too bad if you have the right settings though (pc colour space) and a decent monitor/tv. you can also set a...
it isn't the objects, awash has this annoying "feature" where it starts of dark and slowly gets bright.
moved it for you.
update: - added a ledge-window you can jump up to in the bases (credit slaphead) - widened the slide double-jump to top mid by .5 - moved the...
you can't fix the lighting on awash but you can despawn the FX using scripting but that's a little tricky because FX scripting behaviour is buggy....
please use the area, the database is an archive for previous games. and, when posting your maps please credit the...
i hard reset is different then normal restarting because it clears the cache and if you're using the always on option instead of energy saver...
tried hard resetting your xbox?
minor update, added some space behind the lift because it was a bit tight down there (credit @purely fat ), removed the railing rockets was...
what about a youtube link? i've seen some members have issues with this when submitting before, if you have one try it without? can try clearing...
not entirely sure which braces you're reffering to? where are you getting your sizing from? the path widens by 1 whole unit not .5 and there is...
12hrs? thats pretty bad and still without luck. have you checked if you have scripts allowed? firefox add-on such as no script can interfere with...
update - added rocket platform (credit @WARHOLIC & @SecretSchnitzel ) - moved camo to top mid that can be shot down (credit @SecretSchnitzel ) -...
you can enable profanity or rather disable the filter by going to preferences. as for HCS i'm unsure, bravo has hinted at using forge maps but...
salot knows the owner of UGC personally so it wouldn't surprise me if he only gets exposed to salots maps.
yea just tested it myself, only thing i can think of is to use an on-destroy so you shoot it to destroy that'll depsawn an object and cause it to...
change your poewrup of choice for item of choice that spawns under the power-up and you'd get the desired effect, can attach the power up to the...
use the static weapon timers using buddhacranes method and attach the object you want to spawn and despawn to the same timer but set can despawn...
its ctf_res_zone and ctf_res_zone_away.