no problem there, i'll just leave my xbox on so war, duck or APC can grab complexion. i'm happy to host other maps you're interested in as well...
TBH this time i'm not as worried as i have been in the past, because the map pool is so small and most of the people making maps worth a damn tend...
The most crucial part i think would be getting pros on board with these maps as well otherwise they probably won't go anywhere since pros opinions...
1v1 can work on 4v4 maps. just look at how much people love to play sanc for 1v1s.
removed matrix as you requested since you posted v2 but just for future reference please edit the map to update it instead of submitting it all...
this is interesting. i don't know about respawn zones myself but my understanding of spawn points worked was that it wouldn't necessarily depsawn...
good question and don't think we have this actually set in stone, i've just been assuming that all staff will be judges or can chime in and we're...
you can make changes up untill the deadline but if you're likely to make changes then post it as a WIP under forge discussion first until it's...
oh don't you worry, i'm as corrupt as you can get. ;)
map has been released
complexion is a map designed for fast paced, vertical competitive play. the main goal of the map was to have overlapping bridges so that if you...
got it done for my preview video i've started working on, here's the snippet of it (best viewed in google chrome for 60fps) [MEDIA]
oops meant camo... that you can shoot down.
he already posted them complexion is on static timers, the OS is at 90secs and rocket drop spawning through scripting every 2mins. i've also got...
i disagree, once the map is loaded on your end it shouldn't need to constantly send update packets of each individual piece unless they've moved...
yup its worldwide
update: - deleted problem spawns - removed bottom mid pillar because of ring around the roses gameplay, this also opens up a flag to flag LoS -...
at needler/mid jump? i thought about that initially but i figured it'd be a bit too close to where the other hills are going to be and i want to...
haven'et played oddball yet but i do agree that back hill above rockets is a bit too easy to lock down so i'm thinking of moving it down to rocket...
KOTH gameplay [MEDIA] think all i need now is to tweak spawns and its good to go.