are those images of different day times or different effects you can create with changing colour stuff?
i think if the community is there and the demand is there then it could be possible.
nope, i consider it a problem that needs to be solved.
i do enjoy making some cheesy aesthetics for people to moan over on my maps.
you can only apply 1 movement script per object and only one direction? hm.. what if you were to 'weld' multiple objects together each one with a...
i understand and i can see how that would easily complicate things. looks like the new rotation options are going to take some getting used to....
i think i understand. the world rotation has fixed pre-defined axis locations for you to rotate an object around while rotating using 'object',...
hmm. i thought the gimbal was just the rotational axis around a single pivot point. looking up it seems that i was slightly mistaken, it allows... in this gif, is the...
well to be fair forge has always had something like this, it was just never visible and editing the coordinates for it yourself never worked to...
with object welding and the ability to script actual object movement, would it be possible to, say, making an entire moving ship for survivors to...
If anyone has any questions you can ask the Community Cartographers who were invited over to give feedback here:...
sorry for englishing things up like a gay horse, fixed it for you.
not a fileshare system but a player search.. kind of a round about way but at least it makes sharing maps soooooo much easier now. but, i think...
is this the same patch that they decided not to do a public beta on?
its on dynamic? k was it taken off the scripting as well? that might cause it to spawn at odd times otherwise (i think)
oh is that all? if camo is on a static timer using scripting then if you pick camo up not long before its about to respawn again then you can have...
ive been banned more times then i can count
i thought the timer started when the powerup was picked up? but setting max above what is on the map just allows the weapon or powerup to spawn...
to force teamwork isn't to create a demand for a high level of teamwork, in fact i think it does the opposite from watering down the game...