if i'm up and my connection doesn't crap out i'll try to remember to. other people should as well if they can.
if the community is there would community maps be considered for hcs? are there any other limitations to custom map images for other methods other...
honestly the hardest part is probably getting management to allocate the resources to do it, it would probably require working with multiple teams...
they're definitely over thinking it. couldn't they just create the screenshot in forge, compress it then write it into the saved file. all the...
seems everyone else has already pointed out what we need. 343i give us reach UI and file sharing already, its GOAT. i don't think having to use...
optimists? we are predicting december 2016 aren't we?
on december 17th that USB cable should be chewed up by the wheels on my chair.
what about me and @GodlyPerfection who already provided a date over skype... ? do we have to re-enter here?
guilty as charged.
hey @MATCLAN long time no see. welcome to forgehub. quote "Reading this got me thinking that there might be a few too many boxes that people here...
note: quotes are in bold to try and distinguish between my reply and what i'm replying to. quote "Only if you interpret it as superior, Haunted."...
"No one is attempting to force anyone to believe that one design vision is superior to another. We are passionately sharing a new vision for BTB...
@The Fated Fire quote "With my original vision for Recurve, I used design philosophies and pillars that fostered a more competitive atmosphere...
to be clear, i was only replying to fated's logical fallacy comment. i was trying to explain how the notion of maps should speak for themselves...
what you're calling a logical fallacy is quite literally the issue this community had in reach and h4 under previous management. it was all about...
this whole thing is incredibly ridiculous. fated with the PR defensive mode, the nit picky critiques over the direction 343i took his map, the...
it sounded like you were afraid 343i won't let you have a map in MM because of what you've said on forums? that's the block list which no longer...
of course, you're just some anynomous person on the internet providing feedback over their game which they lump in with the other thousands of...
i assumed the same thing but after playing h5 it honestly doesn't appear to have any impact on spawning, h5 is happier to spawn me in the LoS of...
do we know if LoS has an influence on spawns? if not i would think adding it in with a mild negative weighting might help without wrecking 4v4...