Halo 4 sucks.
Tried making several minigames in Halo. The gametype options held me back.
She has like a billion cook books. And I have no idea what part of Italy, lol. I think I might just get her an expensive jacket.
I just bought this a month ago. It's a dark-humor type of movie, it was moderately funny and I'd say it was worth my $5. If you like this movie...
She's cooking stuff, but she bakes **** like everyday as a hobby. She's also going to Italy in May, I think. If you have any ideas that would be...
My girlfriend is going to school for culinary. What should I get her for Christmas?
Remember dat cool cat.. that dude.. Norlinsky.
Why are all these things in the PPC?
does anyone minecraft/skype anymore?
Day Z was **** a few months ago.
what it do, baby im duh ice man, paul wall i got muh mouf lookin somethin like disco baw
it really aint a joke im askin muh sista fo ciguhrettes to smoke
move ova dad cause im a double dippa
HALO 4 - Glad You Came (The Wanted Parody) - YouTube
I'll fix that.
Meaning endless minigame ideas?