Coleman Reese - Mister Reese - Mysteries - The Riddler?
I'm kind of sit of people spitting God in the face. If you know what I mean.
Jesus was born 2009 years ago, where as Hitler was born 120 years ago. I'm sure there has been some information that got lost between now and when...
" So... Hitler didn't exist? ... your History book does not count..." High five!
very good quality though. I'm very annoyed with Lips, when I got that massive streak of achies it gave me 500x medalist but not 100x medalist....
there is two ways of doing it, but the first is by using your blu ray version. I can compress them down to avi and then to mpeg. If that doesnt...
do you want me to give you a really good quality version of the dark knight?
I like areas that you can see the whole map, but if suddenly attacked, you can escape. Eg. Rocket spawn ledge on Foundry, if you are sudden;y...
Have you done that tourism stuff?
OK this is where I'm at. I believe in God, but I am currently inactive. Meaning I haven't attended a meeting in quite some time. Rusty... I tried...
No actually, I believe when we die, we die and we feel nothing. The whole heaven hell thing is false. Yavi, I am currently leading that life...
I know... How stupid is that.
Just because you can't prove him, doesn't mean that he isn't there. What happens if god isn't suppose to be proven, what if he wants his...
I've tried.... Many times. Yes Religion has a mouth full of information that doesn't make sense to people that don't know much about it. Nitrous,...
Animals and people do adapt to todays climates, but they do not evolve into other things over time. I just can't accept that. And yes I am a...
Here is a personal question. Three years ago what christian religion were you attending? And why did you leave to accept evolution? When you are...
One of the most misconceptions of God is that he is a fairy tale. We cannot see God because he does not have a human form. Yet, God wants us to...
A few pages back someone said that the Bible is false, they said that it can't be proven. Here is a few facts that can prove that the bible dates...
I don't think they have even sent mine those lazy ****s