I had a great time Tuesday night and look forward to future sessions. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on Kamohoalii. Trinitrotoluene 1.2...
I would love to help you test. My GT is Beemer1972
I sent one a few minutes ago.
Should I message you on Xbox live Claymore?
I would love to join. I also have 2 maps that need testing. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/145661-tesla-station.html and...
Thank you for the feedback. I hope the new screenshots help.
Map Name: Tesla Station File Share Gamertag: Beemer1972 Canvas Map: Impact Status: Needs Testing Screenshots:...
Would anyone be willing to help me test this map? Please message me if you do. Thank you.
I would love to help test. Let me know when. I am on now, my GT is Beemer1972
I Would love to help you test this. It looks great. My Gamertag is Beemer1972
Kamohoalii (ka-moho-alii) is a symmetrical map that sits on the water of Forge Island's lagoon. It can accommodate 6 to 12 players. It currently...
I'm not really new here but I'm back after a long absence. I'm looking for people to help me playtest my maps before I submit them to the Testers...
Thank's for the comment Soul Slasher X. Please leave any feedback you may have. As for the 8 health stations I've been wondering if it was too...
@ Joe JFG Did you even Download the and play the map before you commented on it?
Sorry Hachiman I didn't mean to steal your name. Thanks for the DL. All feedback is appreciated. I have two other maps as well, Tidal and Lookout.
Lookout overlooks a large canyon that is regularly traveled by the local civilian population. This is a security post ensuring the safety security...
The Relay is an interstealer communications array found by the UNSC while scouting one of the known halo rings. This facility soon became a vital...
Tidal is It my first serious attempt at a competitive multi-player map and my first post to this community. Tidal is a symmetrical map with three...