Needs more pirate cave! - Purely fat
was it you that edited my post? That was the last straw! Its time to strike!
What the hell is wrong with me!?
I like hotdogs :burger::donut::cookie:and :fries: I eat them all up until my belly is pregnant with supreme pleasure.
Deja vu!
Looks pretty cool and nicely forged. I would give more detailed feedback, but I know next to nothing about this gametype): Unfortunately 4chub...
I like windows
Is the newest verion the one we played?
I added oddball back in, but with only one ball spawn. It was the only way):
Looking kewl. I suggest adding a LoS blocker directly in front of the bases, as it is very open in that area and seems too dangerous to traverse....
How about the emote just be b&rith in some sort o' font?
Is it though?
Played 5+ 1v1s, and It loaded fine! Calm down tryhard.
A little co-forge action between myself and Eww your skinny!
Then 3v3? That would interesting...
I removed oddball (unplayable) and added rockets back in for slaying purposes!
I enjoyed my games on this map, even though chunk took advantage of my inexperience and went all rhicocerekterino on me!
I personally don't care for playing btb, so I don't care for forging btb maps. I also don't think that just because something is extremely hard...
This is forged nicely (better than salot ever could) Which is why I think you should continue to create original work, as you will likely create...