I love the Idea of an infection style map converted into slayer. My only initial concern is how the dock has only 1 entrance. I really think you...
well maybe it could play 2v2 with that addition(:
and also sometimes in slightly larger and more vertical packages!
More play space, more vertical play and awesomeness.
I think you should connect the very top to each base.
I definitely think it is possible then. My map Chain Gang has 550 objects with no frame rate drops and always loads.
This looks sweet! I really like the structural vehicle jumps. One thing I can suggest by just looking at the overview is that the natural areas...
This looks awesome! Ill add you, and download it, and give my feedback today.
Yeah the map is bigship with veehikles, lol
squall-e has a map named glyph, just a heads up. The map has a really cool atmosphere and Im looking forward to playing it!
I might rebuild it, but considering how annoying it was to complete I don't think it will be happening in the immediate future. My goals with...
When two people unload an entire clip at eachother wothout anyone dying, I think the map might be overscaled. Finally, how many times are you...
2 marrah right?
I did not completely discredit the map. I stated that the map sacrificed gameplay for beauty. I then gave a 6/10 rating because of this mixed with...
I personally don't think that the teleporter area is too powerful simply because of the weapon placement and pathing. In all of my games someone...
This map has come a long way, and Im glad you are sticking to it!
Duuuude, I love set the controls for the heart of the sun, probably my second favorite song, lol. You should listen to it if you haven't. Im not...
Seems a bit too large for 3v3 gameplay. My initial advice would be to decrease the scale and increase segmentation/cover. Maybe the flat and open...
Hey, maybe destructable jump ups could work be kewl dynamic!