Prisoner-style 4v4 level
Your picture is creepy as hell
I listen to music. Pandora has turned into the perfect radio station for me, Its way better than any playlist I could make. Its usually 60s-80s... This is a littlo something I have been working on. Its prisoner inspired. Also, for...
Make sure to upload any maps you want help on and Ill add you.
The couple of games I played on this map were, well, boring. The map just doesn't have enough going on in my opinion. I suggest adding some sort...
Ill try my best to get some games and let you know what I would change. Ill easily get some 1v1s, but It might take a little longer to get some 2v2s.
This would be greaterino, but like I said in our party, I doubt that 343 cares enough to make this happen.
I don't know if you have forged any other maps, but ill ssume this is your first since you only have this one posted. This is aesthetically...
Who cares halo is dead forever and whoever says any different is a 343 fanboy nerd who lives in his moms basement.
I'm better than all of you!