I don't always know why I believe what I believe but I do believe what I believe and I try to educate myself as much as I can and I will defend...
Idk technically what the community "manager" role is but a manager is "a person responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a...
Reach was always good, People just new Reach could be better that's why it received to much hate "Love it or hate it, It's still a passion" Halo...
This. "We know the banshee was OP in Reach so we MADE 100% SURE! it wasn't gonna be a problem in Halo 4, Your welcome." Halo Reach banshee was...
From a gameplay/players perspective. Yes it did. But from 343i and microsoft perspective Beta might not of been a good idea. Because beta's...
So far I've got: Free DLC, Free recruit armor(Meant be pre-order bonus), Free specialization bonus's.(Limited edition bonus). Pretty good for...
This was in Reach and it worked wonderfully there, as well as the zoom function(that had multiple purposes) Correct me if I'm wrong but in halo 4...
Company's don't have to listen to there community's, Even if they do they don't need to implement there suggestions. (Bungie set a really high bar...
And that's where sprint+AA's come into play, Warthogs have better long range aim sure and you get to avoid most sticky's and PP that way sure....
My reaction video: -Hey cool a random BTB map with absolutely no unique gameplay features or gimmicks looks like half the maps came with the...
There is a 4 shot unscoped light rifle kill where 1 scoped shot and 3 unscoped shots kill but that's a weapon damage number balance issue not a...
Because of sprint+AA's+PP+Nades. GL trying to kill someone in cluttered maps with random rocks everywhere when everyone has sprint+AA's to...
Regen was to protect the king and as a king you have a waypoint so given enemy team a sign there is a person in the vicinity is not really a...
Exactly why I use the hardlight shield (Because apparently everyone here is always the king lol) Bait there entire team onto me, then Armor lock,...
Reminds me a lot of the one with rocket hog under the building with bunch of random rocks around the map(that has a useless wraith on it) Who was...
PP in BTB is bad, But if it was just the PP in BTB it would be bearable(specially with EMP resistance perk), PP+Sprint+Plasma...
Glad to see you've joined the Darkside enjoy your cookies. Maybe you understand my POV better now. Only reason I still play is friends play it...
Look at my 2 previous posts in this thread closely, And you will realize I didn't get LE and I'm against the whole idea of specializations. But...
To me it felt like the most CoD campaign. That boss fight in campaign reminded me more of COD then any Halo boss. And the campaign felt more...
Every time. -Got the king one shot but he ran around corner, DW my mates there to kill him, Mate dies. WTF Do you even know how to use a gun?, Go...