It would be, But it has to be a Halo 4 model warthog. For publicity and to give people impression Halo 4 is an amazing game("If it wasn't an...
Good quality game design........ Even in BTB it can be hard to find DMR ammo with the random sometimes instantly weapon despawns. If you don't...
I played a ton of maps that used the entire forgeworld. Even more that used 50-75% of it. Now the closest thing to medium-big map we can make is...
And the specific things he did mention wrong with the game where not really things that where wrong with the game.(not implementing enough...
How much money does that make them? They know its a crap game and they had failed but they wont ever admit it because they also have to keep up...
You severely overestimate 343i, They have made tons of mistakes with halo 4(not just big ones with gameplay and marketing and stuff even the...
It's also amazing vs rockets, They think they have a instant kill but you hardlight for split second potentially suiciding them unshield they...
They don't choose how long it takes... You do. When you start the game knows nothing about you starting from there, If your winning to much they...
Randomness does have value in games, But randomness shouldn't be a goal. It can be contributing factor to achieve a goal but not be the goal....
Notice in vid he never dies, As for the actual looks of the spartan armor its a "Cannot unsee" for me every time I see a spartan I can see the...
Good point, Forgot to mention this, I'm pretty sure it happens to players on a semi regular basis. At this point when you have ran ammo your...
Honestly I'm fine with the sniper been amazing at killing infantry, Only beef I have with it is it can also do amazing damage to vehicles.(One...
I like the kill streak rewards, Like i Like swat, Not as the main game experience but as a side game. Kill streaks don't stack which annoys me...
Sniper in Reach was made slightly easier to compensate for AA's (Sniper over buffed imo and then even more buffed in Halo 4....) I suck at...
There will always be a hemorrhage map, As in a map that is chosen 99% of the time. But since we don't have a hemorrhage map, As in map the fills...
Microsoft pretty much requires 3 Map DLC because "its tradition"(that makes them money), Even if bungie made awesome maps(idk never buy DLC) and...
Or the AR in Reach if including bleed though added skill to it. Halo 4 damage+no bleed=me happy. As for if somethings noobish, As my mum always...
Wouldn't of been BS angel shes honest, Played couple games with her on Reach. Imo would of got a lot more sympathy if they just said "Sorry guys...
Everything is a need while simultaneously being a want. I NEED precision movement to be fixed, To have better precision movement=True statement....
Modded gametype would only be useable in custom games, And in custom games you can force loadouts like in Reach just do that and make whatever...