non-sequitur* Because I know whatever Biotics are in Mass effect there not the first to invent magic powers or whatever they semantically call it...
Your probably right, Because the guys on side in my 2nd picture look like these guys [IMG] And they look human size, Might of went though a design...
Don't forget easily killing the same generic enemy's over and over. But if they do a season 2 I'm not expecting much more because 343i aren't...
Never played mass effect, but Biotic="Of, relating to, or resulting from living things." And I'm pretty sure mass effect isn't the only game that...
I think it's fair p2p players only vote, There more invested into the game, Also encourages f2p players to buy some membership. No idea how much...
I was playing grifball last night just to get multikill's then I realized this isn't that fun actually and when Halo 5 comes out my commendations...
Say a warthog has 100 health. Say Halo 3 rockets do 50 damage and Halo 4 rockets do 99 damage. Both would take two direct shoots to kill a...
Easily accessible is not mutually exclusive from complex. In halo 1,2,3,Reach the basic concept was simple that anyone could grasp "aliens...
If he does retire or not I think MC will stay the focus of the trilogy (Halo:4,5,6)
You say Halo reach then list problems about halo 4... BR/DMR has always been the go to weapon that everyone has to use since halo 2, If there...
Not inherently a problem imho. If this is a problem then my solution would be "AR/BR/DMR" as 3 primary sandbox weapons (depending on how game...
Lack of better solution doesn't make it good, I still don't know what exactly the issue is your trying to solve, I was just commenting on damage...
Just like to point out damage drop off has inconsistencies. Fighting someone at the point where it drops off and both players are strafing in...
The HUD and stuff are also meant to help newer or less knowledgable players that are watching games primary on streams and by extension streamed...
Called it :P (November 20th, 2012) Funny thing is 343i spent so much time trying to cater to MLG and promote MLG gametypes prerelease with MLG...
Overshield camo and custom power ups all need to be added back.
I don't quite understand how BTB was dead to you? Are you saying was impossible to take down a vehicle in hemorrhage? Because my preferred role...
I new it was sarcasm i just wanted to elaborate. I'm still curious how fileshare will effect the game. If even after they release it will there...
2 reasons, 1st is subjective me personally for whatever reason after playing campaign i was like "this is mildly enjoyable" after playing few...
Not missing out on much, Played it once with someone was lagging like how it did when I played campaign online from previous Halo's. I didn't...