Drew carry was hilarious for a host he didn't have to do anything aside from parts he was involved, But he helped make the show what it was by...
Don't say that to loud, 343i might be watching and have to put bigger grinds for more necessary features to force you to grind. Personally I cbf...
Theseus paradox. It's all still Halo, Some people don't like some parts (like DMR,AA's,etc) Some people don't like Halo 3, Reach, Halo 4. It's...
Not trying to fuel any conspiracy's but What could they possibly gain by making forge and custom game options horrible to use so the only way to...
If you get a chance I would recommend trying a CoD game, I'm assuming you like FPS because you play halo and CoD is a decently fun game it gets a...
If its level, Does that mean we have level progression? meaning we unlock things as we level up and are they aesthetic items only or are there...
Also grenade indicator. I don't think Halo 4 feels more like CoD then Halo! Halo 4 feels more like Halo then it feels like CoD. (meaning it has...
I can view the fileshare and You can download screenshots(well there is a download button idk if it works) but there is no download button for...
343i remaking a bunch of code just makes me think "Don't fix whats not broken" all time wasted making a completely new buggy code they could of...
I don't think there will be ADS because Halo weapons had iron sights and spartans looked like they where looking down sights when walking. But...
Maybe 343i know about creator bias and know a beta would solve some creator bias and gameplay issues but not worth wasting/losing money over (by...
I don't hate the ps3 because of the controller, I just plain and simply hate the controller. I can ignore most of the reasons but the only issue...
Everyone and I mean everyone(people buying it, people not buying it, people that choose to make it) knows XBL is a completely rip off money grab....
It's a representation not a scale diagram... I do like they made traveler closer though, It looks like it would make the main town feel more of a...
Without a quit penalty and the fact there is JIP makes people quit without any guilt, Even if Throwdown doesn't use the JIP system because 99% of...
No one can predict the future. To many factors to just say well if 343i make a good game it will revive the series. Honestly I don't think it will...
[IMG] End of discussion. (I don't even know what most of that means or if its right)
In i think it was IGN interview they found sound files for destiny created in 2009 or something and IGN made it sound very likely they where...
I did enjoy the cinematics(ignoring some weird plot points and not sure if cannon situations and a iffy script). If the only redeeming factor of...
I think that was his point lol, That was 343i's way of implementing "delivering bombs or capturing cores, making it feel like you were actually...