So its like I have confidence(The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something) in science that science is doing science well. I'm...
Fair enough on chance thing we do our best to eliminate chance in most cases That made me lol, because I'm a very scientific minded person. Then I...
What do you mean it's human nature not to believe in chance, It's a word meaning "A possibility of something happening" How can you not believe in...
This. Same reason if you make a thread about stamp collecting mostly people who collect stamps or are against the practice of collecting stamps...
XBL the $50 a year or w/e it is to play online and use online features. You get on PS/PC for free. There is 3 main ways of getting revenue from a...
Always online and with 343i doing what they are to halo which is sole reason for my decline in xbox usage, I will probably getting Ps4 and finally...
But who is to say what kind of life is humane or not, In medieval times in history people lived in poverty and used urine as medicine and stuff...
I would want to go to just experience a different planet and how cool would it be to be the next Neil armstrong "First man to colonize another...
So much speculation to be had with this topic, Makes me wonder why this is even a thing. If always on wasn't even a possibility I doubt this...
I'm not defending 343i, I actually don't think there intentional goal was malice or inconsiderate to "loyal fans" I think they wanted to make a...
A lot of 343's choice's where specifically to support eSports. So I just hope whoever they got understands Halo and what makes it fun and...
Never heard of that website before, Very unofficial righting style, Doesn't have any citation's or confirmed sources, This comment: "Call of...
The story wasn't as confusing as this sentence isn't. Specially for new comers to the Halo universe. Because it was so confusing and badly told...
Do you know how it effects the gameplay? like stats or specific ability's or?
In the live stream, I didn't see it all but part that i saw they where saying "I'm going to be the robot warlock" and "I'm going to be the robot...
Is it free? I might start forging in Halo 4 then because 50 trees. If not I'll just wait for Halo 5 when they made a forge world/island map...
The large majority of gamers do and its best way to earn money. I haven't got a BF game yet so I might get BF4 because its newer then BF3...
Incompetence with the temptation of money. Omg can't be serious, Reach had a bug where people Dc'd bunch of times sometimes it would reverse the...
DLC's are not part of the game, The game is the thing I spent $60 on anything else is a bonus/expansion pack/DLC and I don't buy DLC except...
CA didn't make Halo Reach maps(Idc about DLC because Reach had forgeworld DLC was just a money grab) I said average of 1 per map not 1 per team....