If that was the case this site was destined to fail, This site was created in Halo 3 with the miniscule amounts of forge tools we had and...
Note: Units are members/day averaged over a week. The week when FH hit 9/day corresp I feel like your over analyzing. Objectively: -We are a Halo...
I imagine this is you when u get away with it [IMG] When i want something and something wrong happens that allows me to get it, I will sometimes...
H2 isn't released on 360 but the 360 is at the end of its lifespan, so no I don't see the reason for it, By that standard Halo 3 and Halo Reach...
You have a lot of favorites lol My favorite is LoadRunner, This is first game I ever played with a level editor and gave me the love of making...
I don't know anything about details besides fixing BR or something but If they manage to make the weapon sandbox perfectly balanced (which I...
Halo 5 will be on xbox 360 to milk one more game out of the series. Is Halo 2 anniversary really a thing? Whats next Halo 3 anniversary then Halo...
Yea the process is worth noting but the actually improvements are good but meh until they do something that makes the game better instead of just...
I appreciate what 343i is doing and I want the game to get as good as possible for people that enjoy it, I don't think Halo 4 will ever be up to...
What i got from the video was, Doesn't matter if your achieving the most amazing things in world or doing boring grunt work, Live in the moment...
Pretty much here is the status quo of every other Halo game and Halo 4 fails majorly in tons of ways to reach the status quo then any little...
I think its fair to express concern, It's putting temptation for major youtubers to get into it, It probably start with just major business...
I thought it was pretty clear from the video, I dunno who was that confused and why everyone's explaining what it is bunch of times. If it was an...
Is there a place I can find where it shows if Google is making money off youtube or not? I thought they where losing money on youtube and if there...
As long as its optional just to skip ads. If its not a option and some channels require $2/m Not sure why anyone would choose to do it though...
Yes it might hurt the xbox but it also might benefit Microsoft wallet and there is always PR lope holes do to things, I think bribing is a bad...
"The next Xbox will allow publishers to decide if their games should require an internet connection to be played." That was what the most recent...
DO IT, DO IT NOW! I was gonna say "but seriously" but that would of implied i wasn't been serious to begin with, I like the forerunner lore I...
I don't have faith in any specific person to be true, I have faith in the scientific way of things. If someone says world is flat and this is the...
Is it ok for me to say none? I don't want games remade for sake of remaking them (See COD). But if you mean like upgraded with new features and...